Author Archives: PR de Rotario

2021 Fund Raising Ready!

Watch your email for the 2021 Jaltemba Rotary Club Fund Raising packet. Included is a Letter and a digital Flyer. We have updated the website to highlight our current and past projects and make donating easy! Spread the word to all your friends of Rotary! Thank you for your participation!

Donate Now!

Our Fund Raising drive ends Jan 31, 2021.

Club de Rotaract Jaltemba

Rotaract 9.2015

 Septiembre está dedicado a las nuevas generaciones y en el Club Rotario Bahía de Jaltemba AC apadrinamos el nacimiento del primer Club ROTARACT de la Bahía con jóvenes entusiastas, altruistas, con valores y amplia vocación de servicio.

Extraordinario evento distrital de este fin de semana con el seminario para el desarrollo de la membresía impartido por grandes motivadores; orgullosos de ser Rotarios y orgullosos de ser Nayaritas.

September is dedicated to the new generation, and the Jaltemba Bay Rotary Club sponsored the new Rotaract Club with young, enthusiastic members with altruistic values and a broad commitment to service.

Special district event this weekend seminar for membership development taught by great motivators;  proud to be Rotarians and to be proud to be Nayaritas.