Tag Archives: Rotary La Penita

Club Rotario Bahía de Jaltemba – La Peñita

On behalf of the Rotary Club of Jaltemba Bay and the community at large, thanks to all our Canadian, U.S. and Mexican friends and Rotarians that have helped us raise a total of  $159,937.49 pesos for food baskets in the community during the last week.  (spring of 2020)

There are various efforts taking place in the Jaltemba Bay to alleviate the situation for those impacted by loss of employment.  Cesar Novoa and his wife Angela (Marlenna’s Restaurant / Quinta Velas) are leading the effort supporting 8 community kitchens from EL Monteon, Los Ayala, Guaybitos, La Peñita and Paraiso (La Colonia). There is also a community kitchen at the senior center in La Peñita (Tercer Edad). All together these volunteers are providing approx. 4,500 meals a day.

The Rotary Club has concentrated on filling in the gaps with food care packages directly to families that aren’t able to go to the community kitchens. This week we’re delivering to 130 families in La Peñita, Guayabitos and La Colonia, and we have partnered with the “Voluntariados Los Ayala” to serve 60 families in Los Ayala and supporting efforts by “Chacaleños” providing 80 families in Chacala. Partnering with Los Ayala and Chacala volunteer efforts increases the number of beneficiaries to 275 families. Additionally, the Club bought much needed medical supplies for the medical staff of San Pancho Hospital (our frontline healthcare workers). We are also supplying a complete medical supplies kit (too long to list articles) for the Centro de Salud in La Peñita. 

We want to assure we help as many families as possible for as long as possible, and appreciate your donation especially considering that Canadian and American donors are also helping out their communities.  If you know someone that wants to give a donation directly, Please direct then to PayPal.com and send to our email account at  JaltembaRotaryClub@gmail.com.

Aain, thank you for your help during this time of critical community needs. 

Voluntariado Los Ayala lend a helping hand

Voluntariado Los Ayala

“Voluntariados de Los Ayala” is community based non-profit promoting art and culture in Los Ayala. They have organized a food basket effort to help many of the locals that have lost their employment due to the Covid-19 quarantine. They’ve identified 60 families to receive food basket for a family of four. Club Rotario Bahía de Jaltemba has donated a portion of the funds donated by friends and Rotarians from Canada and the U.S. to increase the number of families receiving aid, and or to increase the amount of food in the baskets. Working together more families benefit.

San Pancho Hospital Receives Supplies

Club Rotario Bahía de Jaltemba donated much needed N95 masks, gloves and face shields for the 40 medical staff at San Pancho Hospital. We were fortunate to find these at a medical supply store in Puerto Vallarta. The Club will continue to monitor to help our frontline medical workers.

Chacaleños food basket campaign

Amigos de Chacaleños

Chacala local community members came together to help address Chacala’s most pressing needs. For that purpose, a fund has been established to begin the immediate distribution of food and other necessary support to Chacaleños. If you have any questions, please let us know. We truly appreciate any support that you are able to offer at this time.

Club Rotario Bahía de Jaltemba is joining efforts with Amigos de Chacaleños to increase the number of families receiving food baskets per week.

Donations can be made in one of two ways. You can donate remotely through our Fundly page, at www.fundly.com/amigos-de-chacalenos, or if you’re here in Chacala, cash (pesos) is much appreciated and can be directed to Karla Lawler. 



Club de Rotaract Jaltemba

Rotaract 9.2015

 Septiembre está dedicado a las nuevas generaciones y en el Club Rotario Bahía de Jaltemba AC apadrinamos el nacimiento del primer Club ROTARACT de la Bahía con jóvenes entusiastas, altruistas, con valores y amplia vocación de servicio.

Extraordinario evento distrital de este fin de semana con el seminario para el desarrollo de la membresía impartido por grandes motivadores; orgullosos de ser Rotarios y orgullosos de ser Nayaritas.

September is dedicated to the new generation, and the Jaltemba Bay Rotary Club sponsored the new Rotaract Club with young, enthusiastic members with altruistic values and a broad commitment to service.

Special district event this weekend seminar for membership development taught by great motivators;  proud to be Rotarians and to be proud to be Nayaritas.

28 Julio 2015 Boletin

7.28.2014 Gob 1Visita del Gobernador del Distrito 4150

El Gobernador de Distrito 4150, el Sr. Marco Antonio “Toño” Carrillo Torres y su esposa Rosy visitaron nuestro Club el martes 28 de julio. Hubo muchos invitados especiales entre ellos el Secretario de Gobierno Municipal, Procuraduría Ambiental, diputados, concejales, delegados, Director de Conalep de La Peñita y los medios de prensa locales que se unieron a nosotros para este informe de actividades de nuestro club. Compartimos un desayuno maravilloso con una gran cantidad de amistad sentida por nuestro Club al presenta nuestras metas y objetivos para este año Rotario.

District 4150 Governor, Mr. Marco Antonio “Toño” Carrillo Torres and his wife Rosy visited our Club on Tuesday July 28. There were many special guests including the Secretary of the Municipal Government, Environmental Attorney, deputies, councilors, delegates, Principal of La Peñita Conalep and local press media who joined us for this report of activities of our Club.  We shared a wonderful breakfast with a great deal of friendship felt by our Club as we presented our goals and objectives for this Rotary year.


7.28.2014 Gob 2Eddie Domínguez, actual Presidente dio la bienvenida al Gobernador y presentó un panorama general de nuestro club durante los últimos 6 (seis) años mostrando los proyectos que hemos realizado con la ayuda de nuestros clubes hermanos de Canadá y Estados Unidos, así como las escuelas con que hemos trabajado.

Compañero Rotario, Octavio Figueroa, nos dio una charla sobre proyectos futuros que estamos considerando para este año para llevarse a cabo dentro de nuestras comunidades en nuestra región.

Eddie Dominguez, current President welcomed the Governor and presented an overview of our club during the last 6 six years showing the many projects we have undertaken with the help of our Canadian and U.S. clubs as well as the many schools we’ve worked with.

 Fellow Rotarian, Octavian Figueroa, gave us a talk about future projects we are considering for this year to be carried out within our communities in our region.


Nuevo Club de Rotaract

Miembros del nuevo club Rotaract y Jose Sandoval

Miembros del nuevo club Rotaract y Jose Sandoval

 Rotario José Sandoval presentó a los miembros de el recién formado Club de Rotaract y los proyectos que están llevando a cabo este año.

 New Rotaract Club

Rotarian Jose Sandoval presented the members of the newly formed Rotaract Club and the projects they are undertaking this year.


Uniformes para Bombederos

Uniformes para Bomberos

Uniformes para Bomberos

Rotario Carlos Ortiz Flores de Ocotlán, , México, entregó equipo de bombero gracias a una donación del Rotary Club Rohert Park- Otati, California.

Fire Fighter Gear

 Visiting Rotarian Carlos Ortiz Flores, Ocotlán, Jalisco, Mexico, delivered fire fighter gear to the local firemen thanks to a donation from Rotary Club Rohert Park- Otati, California.


7.28.2015  El Capomo Computers 3

Aula de Computadores de El Capomo

Projecto de Computadoras para El Capomo

Hoy gracias al Club Rotario Bahía de Jaltemba A. C. los niños y las niñas de la comunidad de El Capomo, además de trabajar en sus diferentes materias durante el periodo escolar, obtienen cursos de verano para adquirir nuevas habilidades y destrezas en el uso de las tecnologías. Este es parte de una subvencion compartida con el Distrito 5130 del Norte de California y Middletown Rotary Club quienes patrocinaron la aula de computo y computadoras para la biblioteca.

Today,thanks to the Rotary Club AC Jaltemba Bay, boys and girls in the community of El Capomo, besides working in different subjects during the school period, obtained summer courses to acquire new skills in using technologies. This project is a part of a matching grant with District 5130 Northern California and Middletown Rotary Club  for a computer lab and 4 computers for the library.

Club Rotario Bahia de Jaltemba La Peñita            Rotary Wheel 1           Jaltemba Bay La Peñita Rotary Club